When there are too many events that fight for your time,
When there are too many thoughts that bounce in your head,
When there are too many parameters to weigh and consider,
When there are too many split-second decisions to make,
When you live in your car more than you live in your home,
When packing and unpacking becomes a process of life,
When the process is tiring but you feel a good ending ahead,
When you trust that feeling and proceed with positivity,
When that positivity energizes your body to get things done,
When getting things done satisfies your mind,
When a contented mind makes a sound decision,
When a confirmed decision removes the unnecessary mulling,
When a focussed thought narrows down events,
When the fewer events conclude and show the way,
When the way glimmers with flickers of hope,
When that hope puts a smile on your face,
When the smile makes you want to look back at the journey,
You realize that the in-between moments stolen from your schedule,
The intervals of indulging in letting down your hair,
Are the ones that matter the most!
Image Credit: Photo by Piotr Bizior from FreeImages